


genesis technology, spiritual world of human existence, man, "a man of the masses", Jose Ortega y Gasset, appliances, tehnoevolution, technosphere, philosophy of technology, bodhisattva, hidalgo, gentleman


The purpose of the article is to understand the philosophy of technology of José Ortega y Gasset. The task is to examine the works of José Ortega y Gasset, first, the origin and the main stages of technological development; secondly, the relationship of natural circumstances, humans and technology; third, the relationship of the inner world of man and technology; fourth, the relationship of the world of culture and their life projects with technology; fifthly, the interplay of modern technology and "human mass". Methodology. For performance of the tasks are applied comparative approach for analysis of historical stages of technological development, human behaviour and the animals on natural circumstances of life projects of bodhisattva, hidalgo and gentleman of the production technology. Using the functional approach has revealed the close, the inextricable link between the appearance and operation of equipment and the inner world of man, culture and lifestyle program that it implements. The elements of scientific novelty of our research is the isolation, structuring, analysis, synthesis and systematization of the main ideas of the philosophy of technology of José Ortega y Gasset. Conclusion. Summarizing the aforesaid, it should be noted that José Ortega y Gasset creates its philosophy of technology through specific synthesis of existentialism, marxism and the philosophy of life. His rational vitalism is the integration of various philosophical currents of the late XIX – early XX century. The issue of his philosophy of technology is extremely broad. The philosopher is not limited to the analysis technique. It thoroughly examines the issues of technology due to the existence of man, his inner world and life program, criticizes the idea of progress and technological determinism. As part of his research include issues such as communication technology and culture, orientation of technological development and its dependence on the type of culture and science.

Author Biography

Oksana F. Tereshkun, Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi)

Tereshkun Oksana F., Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology


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How to Cite

Tereshkun, O. F. (2015). PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY OF JOSE ORTEGA Y GASSET. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, (7), 111–123.

