
  • V. Ye. Bilogur Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Melitopol), Ukraine



anthropological basis of human dimension in sport, generic essence, bodily powers of a man, the measure of human development, essential powers of a man


The purpose of the article is to make the theoretical framework of a sportsman dimension concept as the realization of a person's generic essence that is a basis of a new scientific direction formation of sports anthropology and philosophy of sport. Methodology. The understanding of human nature problems, human existence in the form of sports activity, the potential of anthropological picture of the sporting world. In this case sport is considered as a culture which gives a chance to define it as an activity which involves positive results aimed at the realization of human essence as well as destructive ones that are aimed at the destruction of a sportsman personality. Scientific novelty is in the research of insufficiently studied theme of sportsman-dimension from the anthropological point of view. Practical value of the work is in elaborating the theme in context of scientific research performance at the department of theory and physical training methods and sports and the disciplines of Melitopol state pedagogical university named after Bogdan Khmelnitskiy. Philosophy of sport is a new subject and a new scientific direction, in the context of which the problems of sport, development of sporting values and outlook of the youth, their socialization in the sports activity are explored. Conclusions the introduction of the anthropological basis of sportsman-dimension essence in sport promotes the possibility to show entire human nature, its creativity in sporting life, therefore it leads an individual to a self-formation. The anthropological basis of the sportsman-dimension is aimed at the realization of a person's generic essence for increasing the human potential, physical health of young generation due to physical training and sports.

Author Biography

V. Ye. Bilogur, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Melitopol)

Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Melitopol)


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How to Cite

Bilogur, V. Y. (2013). ANTHROPOLOGICAL BASIS OF HUMAN DIMENSION IN SPORT AS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A PERSON’S GENERIC ESSENCE. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, (4), 18–24.

