intercultural communication, parable, archetype, reality tunnel, culture, value orientations, philosophy, science, religionAbstract
Purpose. This article attempts to investigate the ways to overcome negative after-effects of intercultural communication. Methodology and theoretical results: To avoid the negative after-effects of intercultural communication caused by the clash of different reality tunnels, it is necessary to go beyond the framework of the specific symbolical territory, which is seen as the only true reality. Expanding the horizons of life, going beyond the boundaries of a personal reality tunnel can be achieved, in particular, by using parables. Acquaintance with parables helps to extend the set of the world perception models and to change the positions of the communication process participants. Parables act as intermediaries between people of different cultures and mentalities. Owing to its archetypical form, parable becomes one of the most popular narratives illustrating deep and multi-faceted truths that sometimes cannot be expressed by any other way. Parable serves as an open and flexible model of the world and a model of an individual "I self". This model helps people to constitute themselves as a part of their world. Parable requires to reject its interpretation in the oppositions inherent in a given culture and to reconsider the very way of understanding. Rejection of the oppositions provides the possibility of perceiving the world as integrity, unity in diversity, helps to overcome one-sided picture of the inner world of a man and his life in society. Understanding of a parable works towards changing personal position, and human creative nature is actualized. Conclusion: Parables uniquely reflect the real world and contribute to personal understanding of reality. Parables are successfully transplanted into different cultures operating as heritage of a culture-recipient and as a connecting link, which optimizes an intercultural dialogue.
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Scollon, R., Wong Scollon, S., Jones, R.H. Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach. Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition, 2012. 336 p.
Sorrels, K. S. Intercultural Communication: Globalization and Social Justice. SAGE Publications, Inc.; 1 edition, 2012. 312 p.
Wilber, K. The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development. Quest Books, 1996. 260 p.
Wilson, R.A. Prometheus Rising. New Falcon Publications,U.S.; New Ed edition, 1988. 276 p.
Wilson, R.A. The New Inquisition. New Falcon Publications, 1991. 240 p.
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